Project description: The aim of this project is to develop local valuations of 
coastal ecosystem 
services for marine habitats in southern Australia, and communicate these to 
stakeholders using 
spatial maps and other media. Quantifying the benefits people gain from natural 
systems will 
allow the potential impacts of alternative management scenarios to be 
evaluated, and 
assessments of the trade-offs between development and different ecosystem 
services. The 
project will: (1) develop a series of model-based spatial maps that quantify 
ecosystem services 
provided by temperate marine habitats such as saltmarsh, mangroves and 
seagrass; and (2) 
value these ecosystem services in terms of social and economic benefits to 
people using locally 
relevant valuation methodologies for coastal protection, fisheries, tourism 
and/or recreation. The 
project will focus on marine habitats in central Victoria and northern New 
South Wales. The 
project’s rationale and methodologies are underpinned by the Global Mapping 
Ocean Wealth 
project developed by The Nature Conservancy (see This 
Project is the 
Australian component of the Global Mapping Ocean Wealth project.

Project environment: The project will be hosted by Deakin University’s Centre 
for Integrative 
Ecology (CIE, ) the School of Life and Environmental 
Sciences, and 
supported by a multidisciplinary team including The Nature Conservancy, 
government agencies, 
private industry and community groups. The goal of CIE’s research is to foster 
new conceptual 
understanding that advances fundamental science, while also making innovative 
contributions to 
applied conservation and natural resource management, particularly through 
protection of 
biodiversity and areas of high conservation value. The project is supervised by 
academics from 
Deakin University (Dr Daniel Ierodiaconou, Dr Emily Nicholson and Dr Peter 
Macreadie) and The 
Nature Conservancy (Dr Chris Gillies).

Expressions of Interest (EOIs): We are seeking EOIs for two Postdoctoral 
Fellowships (Academic 
Level A or B) and two fully-funded PhD Scholarships from candidates with 
outstanding track 
records in environmental economics, spatial mapping and analysis, and/or 
ecological modelling, 
in particular with experience in valuation of ecosystem services and/or 
ecosystem modelling. The Postdoctoral Fellowships are for 2 years, with 
potential for an 
additional 1 year extension. Applicants wishing to be appointed part-time are 
encouraged to 
apply. EOIs must consist of a 1-2 page cover letter describing your suitability 
for the position 
and track record relative to opportunity, as well as a 2 page CV and relevant 
questions relating 
to the position. 

EOIs can be emailed to and should be submitted by Wednesday 6 
April 2016.

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