We have an opportunity for a PhD student interested in investigating the
mechanisms of drought tolerance and water-use in grasses. The supply of
water through the plant hydraulic system is fundamental to understanding the
growth and survival of plants under a range of conditions, but little is
known about grass hydraulic responses to variability in soil moisture.  We
are seeking a PhD-level student to help us investigate how this important
growth-form responds to- and recovers from- drought. The research involved
in this project will initially focus on investigating mechanistic
explanations for the decline in plant hydraulic conductance on a model
species (maize), and then will expand these results to investigate how these
mechanisms vary among a wider range of grass species from natural plant
communities.  We are seeking applicants with an MS degree in plant
ecophysiology (or related field), but all applicants with experience in
plant physiology or ecophysiology and a strong quantitative background will
be considered. Ideally, the successful applicant will begin school in Fall
2016, but start dates in January 2017 will also be considered. This position
will be funded in part through a full-time seasonal appointment through the
USDA in combination with a teaching assistantship (1 semester per year) in
the Graduate Degree Program in Ecology at Colorado State University. If you
are interested in this position please send your current CV and a cover
letter summarizing your experience and interest in plant ecophysiology/plant
hydraulics to both Troy Ocheltree (troy.ochelt...@colostate.edu,
webpage:troyocheltree.wordpress.com) and Sean Gleason

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