Position: PhD Graduate Assistantship – Ecological Genetics of Maine 

Location: Kinnison Lab, University of Maine, School of Biology and 
Ecology (https://umaine.edu/evoappslab/)

Responsibilities: Conduct a doctoral dissertation incorporating two 
large datasets of genetic, trait, ecological and management histories of 
two fish species in Maine.  These include a unique 15-year dataset of 
genetic, trait, limnological, and mark-recapture data for a glacial 
relic population of Arctic charr at the southern extent of the species 
range, and a spatially expansive dataset of brook charr genotypes and 
population stocking histories throughout multiple watersheds. Analyses 
of these datasets would likely integrate diverse tools from population 
genetics, evolution, population dynamics, and community ecology. It is 
expected that core datasets could be supplemented by new surveys 
(including eDNA), experiments, ecological models, or genomics.  Themes 
would likely span basic and applied questions related to local 
adaptation, gene flow, eco-evolutionary dynamics, climate change, and 

Qualifications: M.S or extensive B.S. research training in biology, 
ecology and evolution, fisheries, or related discipline. Experience with 
molecular genetic techniques or ecological modeling preferred. Must have 
excellent communication and quantitative skills (as demonstrated by GPA, 
GREs or other indicators).

Compensation: Starting annual grad stipend of ca. $20K per year (via 
Teaching and Research Assistantships), tuition, and ½ health insurance.

Closing date:  Applications will be considered until a suitable 
candidate is hired

Anticipated start date: 1 Sept 2016 Preferred

Contact: Send a cover letter, CV, transcripts (unofficial are fine at 
this stage), GRE scores and email addresses for three professional 
references to Dr. Michael Kinnison:  mkinni...@maine.edu. 

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