Graduate Research Assistantship Announcement

Available positions: 1 MS (University of Missouri) and 1 PhD (Clemson 

“Modeling fire-induced tree mortality for eastern hardwood forests”

A collaborative research project has been initiated to improve our 
understanding of tree mortality in response to fire in eastern hardwood 
forests. The project brings together 12 scientists from the USDA Forest 
Service, Clemson University, the University of Missouri, and the 
University of Kentucky and will utilize datasets from studies conducted 
in six states (AL, KY, MO, NC, OH, and WV). This project will compile 
one of the largest comprehensive datasets to explore tree mortality in 
response to fire, using data associated with both experimental and 
operational burning. In addition, bark thickness data will be collected 
across size classes for common species throughout the eastern US to 
understand differences in bark growth patterns among species and their 
implication to forest composition under historical fire regimes. Bark 
thickness and tree mortality models resulting from this work will be 
used to improve the First Order Fire Effects Model for application in 
eastern hardwood forests. 

A Doctoral GRA will be located at Clemson University in Clemson, SC. 
Duties of this position will include compiling, organizing, and 
analyzing data from the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program, 
data from several experimental studies using prescribed burning in 
eastern hardwood forests, and data on bark thickness collected during 
this project. Expected deliverables include at least three peer-reviewed 
publications and an acceptable dissertation, as well as the successful 
completion of the requirements of the degree. We expect the dissertation 
research will make a significant contribution in understanding forest 
species composition under surface fire regimes in eastern hardwood 
forests. Competitive candidates for this position will have an M.S. 
degree in forestry, ecology, or a closely related discipline, 
proficiency in written and oral communication, strong GRE scores and 
TOEFL scores (if applicable), and evidence of scholastic success. 
Preference will be given to applicants who are self-motivated and 
enthusiastic about conducting field-based research. The position will be 
based in Clemson, SC, with field work throughout forests of the eastern 
US. The position is available to begin in August 2016.

A Master of Science GRA will be located at University of Missouri in 
Columbia, MO. Duties of this position will include compiling, 
organizing, and analyzing datasets from several experimental studies 
using prescribed burning in eastern hardwood forests. The candidate will 
work closely with the PhD student to collect data on bark thickness 
across size classes for common species throughout the region. Expected 
deliverables include at least one peer-reviewed publication and an 
acceptable thesis, as well as the successful completion of the 
requirements of the degree. Competitive candidates for this position 
will have a B.S. degree in forestry or a closely related discipline, 
proficiency in written and oral communication, strong GRE scores and 
TOEFL scores (if applicable), and evidence of scholastic success. 
Preference will be given to applicants who are self-motivated and 
enthusiastic about conducting field-based research. The position will be 
based in Columbia, MO, with field work throughout forests of the eastern 
US. The position is available to begin in August 2016.

Each successful candidate will receive tuition support and a competitive 
stipend. The candidates will work together with a team of fire 
scientists throughout the eastern US.

To apply, please send the following materials to the project PIs listed 

1)      personal statement of career goals
2)      resume or curriculum vitae
3)      transcripts
4)      GRE scores and TOEFL score (if applicable)
5)      contact information for three references

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until a 
candidate is selected. 


PhD position:
Dr. Geoff Wang
Clemson University
Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation
226 Lehotsky Hall
Clemson, SC 29634


MS position:
Dr. Benjamin Knapp
Assistant Professor
Department of Forestry
University of Missouri
203S Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building
Columbia MO 65211


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