For any graduate or undergraduate attending the North American Congress on 
Conservation Biology (NACCB) this July in Madison, this networking opportunity 
might be of interest.

Join us for an opportunity to maximize your networking with experienced 
conservation researchers and practitioners, from successful post-docs to 
members of the Society for Conservation Biology Board of Governors.

To facilitate the needs of the next generation of SCB members and to accelerate 
cross-disciplinary collaboration, the Social Science Working Group will host a 
"speed-networking" 2-part event at NACCB in 
Madison<mailto:>, July 19th, 2016.

The event is open to all graduate and undergraduate students on a first-come 
first-serve basis.  Registration is limited to 22 students.

$22 Registration includes:
Part 1

*      One-hour (lunch) training on crafting an effective elevator speech 
(lunch not provided) (12:15-1:15pm).
Part 2

*      One-hour 'speed-networking' with ~20 cross-disciplinary researchers and 
practitioners (6:00-7:00pm).

*      One-hour mingle with all 'speed-networkers' (7:00-8:00pm).

Drink ticket & appetizers provided.

For more information and to register for the event, click 
(Attendees must register for at least 1-day of NACCB)

Rina Hauptfeld
Research Assistant - Center for Protected Area Management / NPS Natural Sound 
Night Skies Division (M/W/F)
Doctoral Student - Graduate Degree Program on Ecology
Colorado State University

Skype: rinahauptfeld

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