Please note that we are searching broadly for a well-qualified candidate
interested in working on the ecology of managed systems in South Florida.

Contact me or the search chair Catharine Mannion with questions.

Luke Flory

Title: Assistant Professor of Agronomy - Agroecology

Location: Tropical Research and Education Center University of Florida 

Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) Homestead, Florida

Salary: Commensurate with Qualifications and Experience

Review Date: For full consideration, candidates should apply and submit
additional materials by August 1, 2016. The position will open until a
viable applicant pool is determined.

Duties and Responsibilities

This is a 12-month tenure-accruing position that will be 60% research
(Florida Agricultural Experiment Station) and 40% extension (Florida
Cooperative Extension Service), available at the Tropical Research and
Education Center in Homestead, FL, Institute of Food and Agricultural
Sciences, at the University of Florida. This assignment may change in
accordance with the needs of the unit. South Florida is an environmentally
diverse and sensitive region that is particularly vulnerable to recent
perturbations in historical environmental conditions. These changes include:
water resource availability; point and non-point pollution; non-native pest
species; growing urban populations and sprawl; and changes in storm
frequencies and intensities, and other climate related alterations. These
issues are particularly relevant to agricultural systems and natural areas
in the region. Due to the complexity of the interactions of these factors
when considering sustainability in production systems and managed natural
areas, an agroecological approach that incorporates a balance between
economic, environmental, and societal impacts is essential.

The successful candidate will develop an internationally recognized,
extramurally funded research program in agroecology that encompasses a broad
range of cooperative, problem-oriented, field and laboratory research
projects aimed at increasing resiliency in agroecosystems, including managed
natural areas, in the region. This position will involve the evaluation of
selected current and novel cropping and management systems as well as the
development of alternative systems or components that maximize resiliency,
while maintaining resourceconservation, economic viability, and societal
value. The standard of system evaluation would likely contain an integrated
agroecological approach, which removes the sole emphasis on yield and
replaces it with a holistic evaluation based on production, environment, and

Tenure will accrue in the Agronomy Department, which includes tenure and
tenure-track faculty focused on agroecology, ecology, and the management of
natural areas. The successful candidate will participate actively in
undergraduate and graduate education by chairing and serving on graduate
committees, supervising thesis, dissertation, and undergraduate research,
and publishing research results with students. Faculty members are
encouraged to participate in professional development activities related to
teaching and advising and may teach courses and seminars. The faculty member
will seek contract and grant funding actively to support his/her program and
will engage in Extension activities in their program area. Because of the
IFAS land-grant mission, all faculty members are expected to be supportive
of and engaged in all three mission areas—Research, Teaching and
Extension—regardless of the assignment split specified in the position


A doctorate (foreign equivalent acceptable) in agronomy, ecology, or a
closely related discipline is required. Postdoctoral experience is
desirable. Candidates should have demonstrated skills in verbal and written
communication, interpersonal relationships, and procurement of extramural
funding. Candidates must be supportive of the mission of the Land-Grant
system and also must have a commitment to UF core values of excellence,
diversity, global involvement, and accountability. Ability to work as a
member of interdisciplinary teams is highly desirable.

Background Information:

The Agronomy Department ( is a unit of UF/IFAS
and has diverse teaching, research, and extension programs with 16 faculty
members located on main campus in Gainesville and 13 faculty members located
at Research and Education Centers throughout the state.
The Tropical Research and Education Center (TREC) of the Institute of Food
and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), University of Florida is located in
Homestead , Florida about 30 miles south of Miami. The Center was
established in 1929 by an act of the state legislature in what is now
Miami-Dade County. Research, teaching, and extension programs focus on
tropical and subtropical fruit crops, tropical and temperate vegetable
crops, and ornamental crops of southern Florida. The agricultural industry
served by the center has an annual farm gate value of $834 million.
Multiplier effects make agriculture's impact on the local economy worth over
$1 billion annually. Due to the region's humid subtropical climate, TREC is
the only state university research center in the continental U.S. focusing
on a large number of tropical and subtropical crops. Also, the area's
oolitic limestone soil is unique to extreme southern Florida. In addition,
the Center addresses water and environmental issues that impact crop
production over a shallow aquifer and in proximity to Everglades National
Park, Biscayne National Marine Park, Florida Bay and major well fields which
provide drinking water to the several million people in neighboring urban
areas. The center's 160 acres consist of offices, laboratories, greenhouses,
vegetable fields, and fruit orchards. There are sixteen faculty members and
approximately 45 support staff.

The University of Florida ( is a Land-Grant, Sea-Grant,
and Space-Grant institution, encompassing virtually all academic and
professional disciplines, with an enrollment of more than 50,000 students.
UF is a member of The Association of American Universities. The Institute of
Food and Agricultural Sciences ( includes the College of
Agricultural and Life Sciences (, the Florida
Agricultural Experiment Station (, the Florida
Cooperative Extension Service (, the College
of Veterinary Medicine (, the Florida Sea Grant
program ( ), and encompasses 16 on-campus academic
departments and schools, 12 Research and Educational Centers (REC) located
throughout the state, 6 Research sites/demonstration units administered by
RECs or academic departments, and Florida Cooperative Extension Service
offices in all 67 counties (counties operate and maintain). The School of
Natural Resources and Environment is an interdisciplinary unit housed in
IFAS and managed by several colleges on campus. IFAS employs over 2500
people, which includes approximately 900 faculty and 1200 support personnel
located in Gainesville and throughout the state. IFAS, one of the nation’s
largest agricultural and natural resources research and education
organizations, is administered by a Senior Vice President and four deans:
the Dean of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the Dean for
Extension and Director of the Florida Cooperative Extension Service, the
Dean for Research and Director of the Florida Agricultural Experiment
Station, and the Dean for the College of Veterinary Medicine. UF/IFAS also
engages in cooperative work with Florida A&M University in Tallahassee.

Employment Conditions

This position is available September 1, 2016, and will be filled as soon
thereafter as an acceptable applicant is available. Compensation is
commensurate with the education, experience, and qualifications of the
selected applicant.


Nominations are welcome. Nominations need to include the complete name and
address of the nominee. This information should be sent to:

Please refer to Requisition # 494905

Dr. Catharine Mannion
Chair, Search and Screen Committee
University of Florida
Tropical Research and Education Center
18905 SW 280th Street
Homestead, FL 33031
Telephone: 786.217.9241
Facsimile: 305.246.7003
Electronic Mail:

Application Information

Individuals wishing to apply should go online to and submit:
o Application
o Cover letter that states applicant’s interest in the position and
qualifications relative to the credentials listed above
o Curriculum vitae
o Contact information (including email addresses) for 4 individuals willing
to write letters of recommendation
o Unofficial transcripts

Final candidate will be required to provide official transcript to the
hiring department upon hire. A transcript will not be considered “official”
if a designation of “Issued to Student” is visible. Degrees earned from an
education institution outside of the United States are required to be
evaluated by a professional credentialing service provider approved by
National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES), which can be
found at .

The University of Florida is an Equal Opportunity Institution dedicated to
building a broadly diverse and inclusive faculty and staff. The selection
process will be conducted in accord with the provisions of Florida’s
‘Government in the Sunshine’ and Public Records Laws. Persons with
disabilities have the right to request and receive reasonable accommodation.

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