AGU Session Announcement

Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to announce a session entitled, "Pyrogenic Carbon: 
Characterization, Biogeochemical Cycling and Paleoenvironmental Applications" 
will be held at the 2016 Fall AGU meeting in San Francisco. This session is 
intended to encourage a dialogue between the modern fire, paleofire and black 
carbon research communities to highlight recent advances in the quantification, 
characterization and biogeochemical cycling of pyrogenic carbon and feature its 
paleoenvironmental interpretation. Some pertinent details of the meeting, 
including abstract submission and registration deadlines are included below. We 
hope you will join us.

Andrew Zimmerman, Patrick Hatcher, and Andrew Wozniak

AGU FALL 2016 MEETING DATES: December 12th - 16th.

ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: Open now through August 4th (July 27 for early submission)


Session ID: 12654
Session Title: B064. Pyrogenic Carbon: Characterization, Biogeochemical Cycling 
and Paleoenvironmental Applications
Section/Focus Group: Biogeosciences

Recent advancements in the analysis of pyrogenic carbon have increased our 
understanding of natural and anthropogenic biomass burning and its residues. 
For example, pyrogenic organic matter has been shown to vary in lability and 
composition and can be released to aquatic systems as dissolved black carbon 
(BC). Charcoal and BC distributions reveal that past fires and carbon 
sequestration were affected by variations in climate, landscape processes and 
human activity. The goal of this session is to catalyze new cross-disciplinary 
collaborations. This session will highlight recent advances in the 
quantification, characterization and biogeochemical cycling of pyrogenic carbon 
as well as its paleoenvironmental interpretation.

Andrew Zimmerman
Associate Professor
Department of Geological Sciences
241 Williamson Hall
P.O. Box 112120
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611
(352) 392-0070 (office)
(352) 392-9294 (fax)<>

Patrick G. Hatcher
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Old Dominion University
4541 Hampton Blvd
Norfolk, VA 23529
Tel: 757-683-6537
Cell: 614-323-8799<>

Andrew S. Wozniak, Ph.D.
Old Dominion University
Physical Sciences Building Rm. 3100D
4402 Elkhorn Ave.
Norfolk, VA 23529<>

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