Dear Ecologers, 


Two research assistant positions to participate in a frog captivity breeding 
project in the Amazonian cloud forest of Oxapampa in Peru are open. 


We are collaborating with a team of researchers from the  
<> Hoke lab at Colorado State University to study the 
development of hearing structures in frogs. We are comparing the hearing 
ability and differences in morphology in the ear structures of 12 species of 
toads in the genera Rhinella and Atelopus that are found in different regions 
Peru and Ecuador. In the coming years we will study the developmental processes 
that might lead to species differences in ear structures and hearing ability, 
and also the differences in gene expression that would guide those 
developmental differences using transcriptomics techniques in the laboratory at 
Colorado State University.


CDS <!frog-project/ehxxp>  is the main home base for 
this project in Perú. In the study we are learning about the reproductive 
ecology of four important species. Because very little is known about these 
species, in addition to contributing to the overall study of hearing structures 
in toads, we are documenting important behaviors and species characteristics of 
these endemic amphibians.


The findings of this project will aid in the conservation of these very 
understudied species, and will also contribute to our overall understanding of 
the development of hearing and ears across all animals. The research team is 
also implementing exhibits at international museums focused on educating the 
public about the crisis of global amphibian declines and contributing to 
efforts to breed and reintroduce critically threatened frog species that are on 
the IUCN Red List.


Position 1. Native insect breeding development


The training involves developing/modifying and following protocols for local 
insect breeding. Experiments and field trips are included in the training. 
Activities include collecting insects, establishing optimal breeding conditions 
and taking care of the insects under this project. You will be working in our 
lab in Oxapampa, Peru and will share other intercultural activities with 
interns, assistants and volunteers in our center.

All collected data from the captivity breeding project will be entered into a 
database. Possible participation in peer review papers. 

Minimum stay: two months of training. 


Position 2. Frog captivity breeding development


The training involves developing/modifying and following protocols for frog 
captivity breeding activities. Experiments and field trips are included in the 
training. Activities include collecting frogs/tadpoles, establishing optimal 
breeding conditions and taking care of adults, tadpoles and metamorphous. 

All collected data from the captivity breeding project will be entered into a 
database. Possible participation in peer review papers.

Minimum stay: two months of training. 




Interest in amphibious and/or insects research is preferred. 

Assistants must be motivated, self directed and prepared for working during the 
day and some nights looking for frogs.  


Start date: to arrange with the assistant 


Cost of the program: $650 per month. It includes housing in a tent or shared 
room (depending availability), 3 meals and snacks, local transportation from 
Oxapampa-CDS-Oxapampa, supervision, training, field equipment, materials and 
the possibility of participation in  peer review articles. Taxes and wire fees 
not included. 


TO APPLY please contact Florencia Trama at or 

We look forward to hear from you.




Ph.D. Florencia Trama

Centro de Capacitación en Conservación y Desarrollo Sostenible (CDS)


Oxapampa, Peru.

Phone +51989862698 or +51979771832

Skype: florenciatrama





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