A Master’s-level Graduate Research Assistantship in plant ecology is
available immediately in the School of Natural Resource Sciences at North
Dakota State University (Fargo, ND), advised by Devan McGranahan, Assistant
Professor of Range Science. The student will have the opportunity to study
perennial grass disturbance ecology under manipulated environmental
conditions (drought stress and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration) in
the greenhouse and a growth chamber. Foci will include comparing responses
to fire and grazing across native and exotic species, determining how these
responses vary under predicted climate change scenarios, and using and
developing methods to measure functional trait responses. A central
research question will address how fungal endophyte infection of an exotic
forage species, tall fescue, modulates this species’ response to
disturbance and climate change. The student will apply and develop methods
to maintain endophyte-infected and endophyte-free populations in an
experimental setting. Opportunities for field components are also available.


Completed Bachelor’s degree in a related field of natural science, with
plant biology, physiology, or ecology preferred. Applicants will
demonstrate evidence of independence, reliability, and creativity in prior
work, school, or research experience. Well-developed writing skills are
required. At a minimum, basic knowledge of data handling and analysis is

Desirable qualifications:

Because work will be technology-heavy, with data collection via several
handheld sensors, environmental control of greenhouse and growth chamber,
and additional applications such as Campbell Scientific and Decagon
dataloggers and Arduino micro-controllers, applicants must at least be
enthusiastic about learning and applying these tools; demonstrated evidence
of their use, or relevant programming experience, is highly preferred.
Scholastic and research experience with plant biology or physiology is
highly preferred. Familiarity with data management and analytical software
is preferred; experience with the R statistical environment is preferred
and students lacking a functional knowledge of an alternative (SAS, Matlab,
etc) will be expected to receive mentorship in R.

The Graduate Research Assistant will be compensated with a full stipend and
full tuition waiver. Professional development is a key objective of the
NDSU Range Science Program, and the student will receive mentorship in all
areas of scientific practice.

Interested applicants should contact Dr. Devan McGranahan via email (
devan.mcgrana...@ndsu.edu) and are requested to include a brief statement
of interest and CV/resume in the initial message. Selected applicants will
be invited to interview via phone and provide e-mail and
telephone information for 2-3 references, unofficial transcripts from
all post-secondary schooling, and GRE scores, if available. Only after
telephone interviews will an official application to the University be

This position is available immediately, and will remain open until filled,
with preference given to applicants able to be on campus in the fall
semester of 2016.


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