AGU abstract due today. 

Dear all, 

You are invited to submit your abstract to AGU fall meeting B031 (deadline: 
Aug. 3). 

Session ID: 13573 
Session Title: B031. Coastal blue carbon: recent advances in measurement and 
Section/Focus Group: Biogeosciences 


Coastal marshes, mangroves, and seagrass meadows sequester significant amounts 
of “blue carbon.” The complex interactions of climate, land use, sea level, 
species composition, and human management regulate the strength of these carbon 
sinks. Compared with terrestrial ecosystems, our ability to measure and model 
the vertical (CO2 and CH4) and lateral (DOC and DIC) exchanges of carbon in 
coastal wetlands in the interface of the land, atmosphere, and ocean is 
limited. Their ecosystem services and the associated values of conservation and 
restoration in mitigating climate change have only recently been recognized by 
policymakers, coastal managers, and the society at large. We aim to bring 
together biogeochemists, wetland ecologists, earth system modelers, and social 
scientists to discuss the quantity of coastal blue carbon and its role in 
global carbon cycling and climate change mitigation; and to report recent 
advances in measurement methods and modeling ability to predict and evaluate 
the blue carbon credit. 


Jianwu Tang 

Omar Abdul-Aziz 

Lisamarie Windham-Myers 

Kevin Kroeger 

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