Graduate Research in Forest Disturbance and Recovery.

The Landscape Ecology, Modeling, Mapping & Analysis (LEMMA) team at Oregon 
State University's College of Forestry ( is 
seeking a top-performing and motivated Ph.D. student to examine forest 
disturbance and recovery dynamics across California, Oregon, and Washington 
beginning in Fall 2017. Depending on research interests and skills, the student 
will focus on one of two research areas: (1) quantifying biotic and abiotic 
factors contributing to forest disturbance and recovery patterns and (2) 
understanding the limitations of and improving upon predictive satellite-based 
vegetation maps. Applicants should take care to identify which of the two areas 
is of primary interest in their application materials. The student will work 
closely with both the department of Forest Ecosystems and Society at Oregon 
State University and US Forest Service scientists specializing in landscape 
ecology, remote sensing, and statistical modeling. While the student will work 
extensively with remotely sensed data, the student will collect field data in 
support of their research. Additionally, the student will be expected to 
produce at least three first-author publications as part of their research.

A competitive candidate will hold a completed a master's degrees in ecology, 
environmental science, remote sensing, or related fields, and provide evidence 
of excellence in academic pursuits and research, a strong background in 
quantitative methods and GIS, programming skills and evidence of strong written 
and oral communication skills.

Please contact Dr. Lisa Ganio 
(<>) or Dr. David 
Bell (<>) for additional information or 
to submit review materials (a statement of interest, CV, description of 
research interests and experience, GRE scores, unofficial transcripts, and 
contact information for three professional references). Application review will 
begin November 1, 2016.

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