Two Ph.D. positions are available in the lab of Dr. Nicole Rafferty in the 
Department of Biology at the 
University of California-Riverside for fall 2017. Research in the lab spans the 
fields of community 
ecology, population biology, and global change, with a focus on plants and 
pollinators. Current research 
centers on understanding how climate change-induced shifts in phenology and 
spatial distribution 
affect species interactions (

Students will participate in the Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology 
(EEOB) Graduate Program 
( with opportunities to conduct fieldwork in the University 
of California Natural 
Reserves ( and the Rocky Mountain Biological Lab ( 
Students can benefit 
from the strong and growing network of community and pollination ecologists 
across departments 
(including the Department of Entomology and the Department of Botany and Plant 
Preference will be given to applicants with prior ecological research 
experience and a B.S. or M.S. in 
biology or a related discipline. Applicants from under-represented groups are 
encouraged. UCR is an 
Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer with a strong institutional 
commitment to the 
achievement of excellence and diversity.

To apply, please contact Dr. Rafferty ( by November 17 
with your CV, unofficial 
transcript(s), GRE scores, and a short statement describing prior research 
experiences and interests. 
Full applications are due to the EEOB Program by December 1.

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