We invite you to apply for a spot in a NASA Biodiversity working group
titled, "Connecting biodiversity, geodiversity, and remote sensing across
scales." The working group will bring together scientists and practitioners
in biodiversity and remote sensing to address two main research questions:

(1) How do the relationships between biodiversity and its geophysical and
biological drivers change across spatial and temporal scales?

(2) What derived NASA data products at particular spatial or temporal
scales would transform the use of geophysical data by biodiversity

Outcomes of the working group include peer-reviewed publications that
present cross-scale modeling analysis, and that identify remotely sensed
products and their spatio-temporal scales that are most useful for
biodiversity modeling.

Co-organizers of the working group include: Phoebe Zarnetske (Michigan
State University, MSU: http://www.msu.edu/~plz), Kyla Dahlin (MSU:
https://www.msu.edu/~kdahlin), and Sydne Record (Bryn Mawr College:

The working group will meet twice in 2017 at the National Center for
Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS), in Santa Barbara, CA. The first
meeting is set for February 20-24, 2017. The second meeting will occur
during the last quarter of 2017, also at NCEAS. Funding is available for
successful applicants to travel within the United States to attend both
meetings at NCEAS.

Application Deadline: October 1, 2016.

For more information on applying, please, go to:

Sydne Record, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
Bryn Mawr College
Park 209
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
phone: (610) 526-5094
fax: (610) 526-5086

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