Hello to everyone,

My name is Jessi Petereit, i am 23 and i am from Germany.
At the moment i am doing my Master studies in Faro, Portugal. On this way i 
hope some of you can help me to find an Internship with sharks. I was of course 
always really interested in sharks and their conservation.
I am not completely new in this field. I already did an internship with shark- 
human relationships on the Bahamas and surveyed them in Southafrica. Now i am 
searching for an internship opportunity for 12 weeks in the next year (or 6 
weeks if 12 weeks aren’t possible). I can start from the 30.4. 2017. The 
destination doesn’t really matter it just need to be affordable for me. 
I want to work with sharks in a practical way and do not spare hard work. I am 
assistant instructor with CMAS and have a lot of practical experiences. I 
already worked on a field station on Curacao and i am used to difficult working 
Furthermore i did my bachelor Thesis with respiration measurements of 
Clownsfish under hypoxic conditions and i have a lot of background information 
in this topic as well.

I hope some of you have a good advice for me where i can look and how it is 
possible to do research with this animals. 

I am looking forward for answers and wish you all the best from Faro 

Jessi  Petereit

  Leibniz-Zentrum für Marine Tropenökologie (ZMT) GmbH Leibniz Center
  for Tropical Marine Ecology Fahrenheitstrasse 6
  D-28359 Bremen

  Mobile: +49-170-6978981
  e-mail: petereit.jess...@gmail.com

 Sitz der Gesellschaft: Bremen
 Registergericht: Amtsgericht Bremen
 Handelsregister Nr. HRB 25746 HB
 Steuer-Nr. 71/607/12036
 USt.-IdNr. DE 266278207

 Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates:
 Dr. Walter Dörhage

 Prof. Dr. Hildegard Westphal

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