Dear Colleagues

We are convening a methane oxidation session at the next ASLO Aquatic
Sciences meeting on 26 Feb to 3 Mar 2017 in Honolulu, Hawai’i.
Abstracts are due Friday, October 14.
Please consider submitting an abstract to our session. Details are below. 

Best regards,
Bridget Deemer
Sigrid van Grinsven
Tonya DelSontro
John Harrison

SS36: Methane Oxidation Across Ecosystems: Opening the Methane “Black Box”
Co chairs:  Bridget Deemer, Sigrid van Grinsven, Tonya DelSontro, John Harrison

Methane oxidation (i.e. methanotrophy) plays a critical role in regulating
the transport and emission of CH4 from ecosystems. Still, many studies focus
on measuring net production or atmospheric emission of CH4 without
discerning the relative importance of different metabolic pathways in
regulating these dynamics. Recent microbial, geochemical, and ecosystem
modeling efforts are expanding our view of methane oxidation, highlighting
its importance across a variety of environments and conditions. This session
aims to facilitate a discussion regarding the magnitude, controls, and
mechanisms of methane oxidation across a variety of environments. We also
welcome studies that directly address the microbiology and/or
biogeochemistry of methanogenesis, methane incorporation into food webs, and
the coupling between methane and other elemental cycles.

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