Enrollment for all three of Field Projects International’s winter 
courses ends November 18th, or once classes are filled. The deadline to 
apply for a scholarship to attend is October 31st.

As a non-profit organization focused on science education, Field 
Projects International is committed to providing field biology training 
and ecological literacy to students of all backgrounds.



Dates: December 27th, 2016 – January 8th, 2017

This course explores vertebrate field biology by offering participants 
their choice of two out of three elective modules: primatology, 
herpetology, and ornithology. Within each module, experts from the 
corresponding field of study will lead daily activities that explore 
natural history, research methodologies, and ongoing conservation 
issues. Evenings will include lectures and discussions of scientific 

Examples of Activities:

- Forest navigation and orienteering on and off trail
- Maintaining field notebooks
- Deploying and monitoring motion-sensing camera traps
- Mist netting and bird censusing
- Primate follows and behavioral sampling
- Field identification and conservation strategies for reptiles and 
- Operating radio telemetry equipment
- Safely ascending emergent trees

Location: This course will be held at the Los Amigos Biological Station 
in Peru. 

Cost: $2000 (includes hostel stay on first and last nights, round-trip 
travel to the field station from arrival city, a bed in the field 
station’s bunkhouse, and all meals while at the field station)

Learn more and enroll:

Scholarship information: 



Dates: December 28th, 2016 – January 10th, 2017

This is a unique course in tropical biology with special focus on 
primate and carnivore interaction, conservation strategies, and research 
methodologies. Participants will learn to identify, track, habituate, 
and collect non-invasive samples from elusive primate species, while 
also exploring the intersection between predators and prey by looking at 
carnivore hunting practices, predator avoidance behaviors in primates, 
and software simulations of predator-prey dynamics. Guided hands-on 
activities during the day train participants in a variety of skills, 
including: scat and hair snare monitoring, tree climbing, radio 
telemetry, camera trapping, plant identification, primate tracking, and 
behavioral sampling techniques. In the evenings, these exercises are 
supplemented with brief lectures and discussions of scientific 
literature related to the fields of herpetology, ornithology, 
entomology, and botany. 

Location: Fringe Ford in the Western Ghats of India. 
Cost: $2250 (includes hostel stay on first and last nights, round-trip 
travel to the field station from arrival city, a bed at the station, and 
all meals while at the field station)

Learn more and enroll:

Scholarship information: 



Dates: December 27th, 2016 – January 8th, 2017

This course offers advanced training in the Peruvian Amazon for those 
interested in insect diversity, form, and ecological function, as well 
as field techniques that facilitate entomological research and 
conservation in the tropics. The course covers groups ranging from 
butterflies to beetles, bees, and aquatic insects, among others. 
Students will be introduced to an astonishing array of terrestrial and 
aquatic habitats that shelter a greater diversity of plant and animal 
species than anywhere else on the planet. Above all, participants learn 
by doing: we will spend most of our time studying actual insects in the 
field, from the tops of towering tropical trees to the bottom of oxbow 

Where: Los Amigos Biological Station in Southeastern Peru 

Cost: $2000 (includes hostel stay on first and last nights, round-trip 
travel to the field station from arrival city, a bed in the field 
station’s bunkhouse, and all meals while at the field station)

Learn more and enroll:

Scholarship information: 

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