Dear ECOLOG, Applications are now being accepted for the fourth Graduate Student Workshop on Socio-Environmental Synthesis, hosted by the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC)<> in Annapolis, Maryland from March 7-10, 2017. As part of this highly interactive workshop, graduate students from across disciplines and from around the world will participate in sessions and activities designed to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration, team formation, and scientific proposal development while also building a variety of other skills crucial to the success of socio-environmental synthesis, including team leadership, effective communication, and incorporating diverse data types.
First and second-year doctoral students from social, natural, and computational sciences with strong interests in and potential for synthesis-based research are encouraged to apply by January 13, 2017. Please visit the Workshop's opportunity page<> for more information. Sincerely, Nicole Motzer Graduate Program Coordinator National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) University of Maryland, College Park