A PhD position in the field of fish ecology is available in the lab of 
Dr. Benjamin Walther at Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi (TAMU-CC).  
Positions will start in Fall 2017. Research topics are flexible, but 
would generally fall within current lab interests, including: fish 
migration, habitat use and trophic dynamics; hypoxia effects on fishes; 
otolith chemistry and stable isotopes; and chemical marking techniques 
for aquaculture applications.

The PhD position will be supported through the Marine Biology degree 
program at TAMU-CC.  Information about this program is online at 

Interested students should send:  (1) a CV, (2) copies of unofficial 
transcripts and (3) a cover letter describing experience, potential 
research interests, and general career goals to Dr. Benjamin Walther at 

ABOUT THE LAB:  We conduct research on a variety of topics related to 
fish ecology, migration, habitat use and population connectivity. This 
work generally focuses on using the “natural tag” properties of 
carbonate hard parts such as otoliths in marine and diadromous fishes to 
examine patterns of migration, dispersal, and life history dynamics of 
species with mobile phases.  This field has grown exponentially in the 
past couple of decades, yet significant unknowns remain about highly 
migratory or dispersive species, particularly in the marine environment.  
Otolith chemistry has the potential to reveal key information about 
identity and movement patterns that is essential for the effective 
management of exploited species and ecosystems. 

We are located at Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi in the 
Department of Life Sciences. We collaborate with the Texas Parks and 
Wildlife CCA Marine Development Center in Corpus Christi, TX for 
experimental work with larval and juvenile fishes. We also work closely 
with members of the University of Texas Jackson School of Geosciences, 
which houses an array of analytical instruments including laser ablation 
ICP-MS (multiple and single collectors), TIMS, and isotope ratio mass 

Further information about the Walther Lab can be found online at: 

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