On 1 November the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) released the Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for the Insect Allies program. This document is DARPA's equivalent of an NSF Request For Proposal (RFP), and as such contains the detailed information for proposal preparation and submission.
The Insect Allies program will develop a platform technology for delivering enhanced crop traits within a single growing season by delivering a modified virus to target plants by a mobile insect vector. Follow this link to access the Insect Allies BAA. https://www.fbo.gov/index? s=opportunity&mode=form&id=c1b79c54a1aa8f5990f7b4a3cc7f6576&tab=core&_cview= 0 All questions about the BAA or Insect Allies MUST be addressed ONLY to insectall...@darpa.mil