The Sharing Science Program ( at AGU will host 
three workshops at AGU 2016 ( focused on 
science policy & communication:

Communicating Science Workshop - This interactive workshop for 
scientists at all communication-experience levels will focus on some of 
the more difficult aspects of communicating science, including 
strategies for getting started, tips for engaging various audiences, and 
advice on avoiding potential pitfalls. Small-group discussions and mock 
interviews will offer veteran communicators and novices alike the chance 
to practice creating and delivering messages about their science: 

Science Storytelling Video Workshop - Scientists will learn first-hand 
in this workshop how to shoot video in the field. After basic 
instruction, participants will be sent out in teams with camera gear to 
film a short story. Then, the large group will deconstruct the videos, 
highlighting both the good stuff and areas for improvement. Participants 
are encouraged (but not required) to bring their own camera equipment: 

The Next Frontier: Science Communication and Outreach Workshop for 
Established Scientists - Whether you are already an experienced science 
communicator or have just begun to be interested in sharing your work 
with wider audiences, you can gain new knowledge and hone your skills at 
this short workshop on science communication: 

Space is limited and advance sign up is required. Please direct 
questions to

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