Hello Ecologgers!

In a time when there is increasing concern about the rigor of published
research from both academic and public sectors, we owe it to our
communities to take every reasonable step to increase the transparency and
replicability of our research.

Preregistration specifies in advance how a study will be conducted and its
data analyzed in a time stamped, read-only format. Preregistration
clarifies the easy-to-blur distinction between confirmatory (hypothesis
testing) research and exploratory (hypothesis generating) research. Both
processes are crucial for science to advance: exploratory research finds
the unexpected, and confirmatory research places the highest standard of
rigor on the inferences. Unintentionally presenting exploratory research as
confirmatory (by, for example, tweaking analyses as data come in) removes
the inferential value of most common statistical tests.

We want to initiate preregistration as a habit before every data collection
effort, to simply add clarity to what (if any) a-priori hypotheses existed
before seeing the data. Toward that end, the Preregistration Challenge (
https://cos.io/prereg) is a competition to reward 1,000 researchers with
$1,000 prizes for publishing the results of preregistered work. Please
consider starting your preregistration today for your next project, and
please contact me with questions or comments.

Studies must be published in journals that are taking concrete steps toward
reducing the replication crisis. Currently, that list includes 700 journals
(see the 20 ecology journals below). If you're a journal editor and want to
see your journal on that list, please see here (https://cos.io/getlisted/)
or contact me.

David Mellor

David Mellor, PhD <https://osf.io/qthsf/>
Project Manager, Journal and Funder Initiatives <https://cos.io/top>
Center for Open Science <https://cos.io/>
(434) 352-1066, @EvoMellor <https://twitter.com/@EvoMellor>, Skype:
Are you ready to take the Prereg Challenge <https://cos.io/prereg>?

American Journal of Botany
Applications in Plant Sciences
Conservation Biology
Ecology and Evolution
Ecology Letters
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Movement Ecology
Nature Ecology & Evolution
Systematic Botany
The Auk: Ornithological Advances
BMC Ecology
PLoS Biology
PLoS Computational Biology
PLoS Medicine

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