Applications are invited for two positions in the Master’s of Environmental
Science and Policy (ES&P) program at Northern Arizona University (NAU) in
the School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability (one with a
social science emphasis and one with an ecological science emphasis). These
two students will work on a project that examines the socioecological
effects of non-agricultural tree planting by landowners in rural Costa Rica
(Coto Brus canton). This interdisciplinary study is aimed at understanding:
(1) whether ongoing tree planting could provide resources for seed
dispersers and seed sources for forest regeneration, (2) the social drivers
behind the practice, and (3) benefits and barriers landowners may face
(e.g., policy, economic). Students will be involved in fieldwork in Costa
Rica, where they will gain a more comprehensive understanding of the
relationship between landowner practices and ecosystem functions. Although
the student with an emphasis in ecological sciences will focus on objective
1 and the student with an emphasis in social sciences will focus on
objective 2 and 3, the students will collaborate closely and be expected to
embrace an interdisciplinary graduate research experience. Volunteers will
be instrumental in data collection for this research effort, which is
funded and supported by Earthwatch Institute. Students will therefore work
with, train, and supervise volunteers throughout data collection.
>> Preferred qualifications:
>>    - Comfortable working with people with diverse backgrounds and skill
>>    levels
>>    - Conversational Spanish, or ability to learn
>> Interested applicants should send an email addressed to both Kerry Grimm (
>> AND Clare Aslan ( In addition
>> to the preferred qualifications for these positions, potential candidates
>> must meet the admission standards and be fully accepted into the ES&P MS
>> program. Note that this research project is funded (e.g., travel, lodging,
>> equipment, etc), but students will be funded through a TA position.
>> After talking with us, applicants must also submit: online application;
>> transcripts; test scores; three letters of recommendation; and a statement
>> of your interests in and goals for a M.S. program, and your reasons for
>> pursuing an advanced degree. Application materials are due January 15, 2017
>> for Fall 2017 admission. You can access the application portal and view
>> graduate school requirements here:
>> ons/Application/
>> Information on the M.S. in Environmental Sciences and Policy and SESES:
>> The Master of Science in Environmental Sciences and Policy degree program
>> combines required interdisciplinary core courses with a breadth of
>> specialized classes from across the University. The degree program is
>> characterized by strong advising by accomplished faculty for individualized
>> student programs of multidisciplinary study, as well as research and
>> applied projects that often reach across campus and into the greater
>> community. The diverse student population including international and
>> minority students forms a strong peer cohort that provides support for
>> study and extracurricular adventures. The two-year program's rigorous
>> training in the natural and political sciences prepares graduates for
>> successful environmental careers in industry, government, and the
>> non-profit sector.
>> Northern Arizona University’s School of Earth Sciences and Environmental
>> Sustainability draws upon faculty and professionals in the natural and
>> social sciences to combine outreach and educational programs addressing the
>> diverse needs of stakeholders with undergraduate degrees in environmental
>> sciences, environmental studies, and geology.
>> For information please see:
>> ESES/Degrees-Programs/Graduate/MS-Environmental-Sciences-and-Policy/
>> ---
>> Clare E. Aslan, PhD
>> Assistant Professor, Lab of Landscape Ecology and Conservation Biology,
>> Northern Arizona University
>> Flagstaff, Arizona 86011
>> *
>> <>*

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