Graduate position: Landscape genetics of plants

Plant species present unique opportunities and challenges for landscape genetic analyses, as the behavior of their associated biotic and abiotic dispersal vectors as well as the distribution of suitable habitat may affect patterns of genetic variation.Understanding how landscape features may facilitate or limit the dispersal of plants is particularly critical as climate change affects the distribution of suitable habitats.We are looking to recruit graduate students (Ms or PhD) interested the ecological and evolutionary consequences of dispersal. Since direct measures of dispersal do not provide accurate information on historical patterns of dispersal we are employing techniques from population genetics, phylogeography, and ecological genomics. We have already established wet-lab and bioinformatics pipelines for conducting chloroplast genome capture and SNP/haplotype analyses – it is a system just waiting for creative an energetic students to explore the advantages and limitations of these methods.

Students will be encouraged to develop their own projects in the context of understanding the processes and consequences of plant dispersal.Experience with laboratory assays and data analyses for genetic markers, GIS analyses, bioinformatics, and field ecological methods would be beneficial but not necessary.This project is funded through an NSF Macrosystems Biology Grant.

If interested, please send a letter of introduction to <> that includes a brief statement of your background and academic record (including GPA and GRE scores if available).Please include an essay outlining your research interests and a recent copy of your CV.

Mitch Cruzan, Professor of Biology, Portland State University, Portland, OR

Mitch Cruzan
Professor of Biology
Portland State University
PO Box 751
Portland, OR 97207 USA

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