Graduate student position beginning fall 2017

I have funding for a graduate student to work on a master's thesis examining 
the relationship between benthic community structure and sediment geochemistry 
in Puget Sound, Washington State. In partnership with the Washington Department 
of Ecology, students in my laboratory will measure rates of sedimentary organic 
carbon mineralization, nutrient cycling, and other biogeochemical processes and 
compare these measurements to biomass and community structure of benthic 
macrofaunal communities throughout Puget Sound. The graduate student will learn 
how to measure rates of dissolved oxygen, inorganic carbon and nutrient fluxes, 
pH, and concentration profiles of nutrients and radionuclides. Depending on the 
direction of the student's thesis, the work may also include biogeochemical 
modeling and multivariate analysis of sediment geochemistry and benthic 
community structure. Students interested in studying the interface between 
community ecology and geochemistry are encouraged to contact me, David Shull 
( , about this position.

David H. Shull, Professor
Dept. Environmental Sciences | Huxley College of the Environment
Western Washington University | Bellingham, WA 98225-9181
phone: 360-650-3690 | fax: 360-650-7284
email:<> | web:

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