*Graduate Student Opportunity in Blackbird Eco-physiology* at North Dakota
State University (NDSU).

The Greives lab in the Department of Biological Sciences at North Dakota
State University (NDSU), in collaboration with Dr. Page Klug and the
USDA-APHIS-Wildlife Services National Wildlife Research Center, is seeking
a graduate student (M.S. or Ph.D.) interested in participating in research
projects aimed at understanding the influence of cross-seasonal
interactions on timing of life-history transitions and reproductive success
(e.g. influence of overwintering habitat on reproductive timing and
success) in Red-winged Blackbirds. This is a unique opportunity for
individuals interested in the interface of ecological and evolutionary
physiology, animal behavior, and wildlife management in agroecosystems.
Specific projects can vary based on research interests but may include
investigations on the influence of overwinter habitat on pre-migratory and
reproductive endocrine function or the use of stable isotopes to uncover a
link between overwinter habitat and seasonal reproductive timing and
output. The student may either earn their degree in Biological Sciences or
through the Environmental and Conservation Sciences graduate program at
NDSU. Year-round funding (full tuition waiver and stipend) is available as
a Graduate Research Assistant in the Biological Sciences Department at NDSU
through a cooperative agreement with the USDA-APHIS-Wildlife Services
National Wildlife Research Center. Additional funding is available to
support research and to attend conferences and training opportunities.
Expected start date is August 2017.  If you are interested in this position
please contact Dr. Tim Greives at timothy[dot]greives[at]ndsu[dot]edu.
Please include in your email your research background and interests as well
as your GPA and GRE scores.


Page Klug, PhD

Supervisory Research Wildlife Biologist

USDA-APHIS-WS NWRC, North Dakota Field Station

Biological Sciences, Dept. 2715

North Dakota State University

PO Box 6050

Fargo, ND 58108-5060

Office: 701-231-5190

Mobile: 701-630-3776

Fax: 701-231-6119

Email: page.e.k...@aphis.usda.gov


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