Dear colleagues,

I am a PhD student from Western Sydney University (WSU) working on an exciting 
project deciphering the social communication of the ghost bat (Macroderma 
gigas). This project is a collaboration between researchers from WSU, the 
University of Adelaide and the Cornell Bio-acoustics Research Program. Recent 
technological advances now allow us to research the function of the ghost bat's 
complex repertoire of vocalizations and gain much-needed insight into the 
species' social organization.

The acoustic recording equipment needed for the study is expensive and we have 
launched a crowdfunding campaign to help purchase some of the more specialised 
equipment (read more:<>.
 Ghost bat populations are currently in decline and the data collected will be 
used for determining the key threatening processes impacting the species, for 
designing management plans and for developing new innovative monitoring methods.

We have raised 20% of our total so far and could really use your help to reach 
our target! Every little bit helps and we appreciate any amount you can pledge. 
Please visit our project page 'Bat Chat for Conservation' at<>
 to donate and pick up some great rewards! If you can't manage to donate, we 
would greatly appreciate you sharing our campaign with your networks.

Kind regards,

Nicola Hanrahan, PhD Candidate

Lab of Animal Ecology
Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment
Western Sydney University
Ph: +61(0) 2 4570 1133 Mob: +61(0) 412 452 811

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