?Ph.D. Graduate Research Assistantships

Arkansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Department of Biological Sciences

University of Arkansas

I seek two Ph.D. students for a project examining flow-ecology relationships 
and environmental flows assessment for the Ozark-Ouachita Interior Highlands 
and West Gulf Coastal Plains.  Important products of this work will be regional 
flow-ecology relationships that will form the scientific framework for setting 
environmental flow standards and understanding impacts of land use and climate 
change.  These flow-ecology relationships will help determine environmental 
flow needs in the Ozark-Ouachita Interior Highlands and the West Gulf Coastal 
Plains and will provide the basis for conservation of numerous aquatic species. 
 This project will involve using existing data sets to model flow-ecology 
relationships and may also involve field work in the Interior Highlands and lab 

Applicants should have a BS and MS in fisheries, ecology, biology, or a related 
field and; 3.0 GPA (minimum); 300 (V+Q) minimum GRE.  Previous research 
experience with fish, invertebrates and/or streams is preferred.  Strong 
quantitative skills including knowledge of GIS are required.  Applicants must 
be responsible, motivated, and able to work independently and in teams.

Graduate student stipend will be $18,700 plus full tuition waiver with 
potential for additional fellowships 

Applications will be considered as they are received but for full consideration 
all materials should be sent by January 6, 2017.  Start date is summer or fall 

Contact me for information or email 1) a letter describing your interests and 
career goals, 2) Curriculum Vitae (including GPA and GRE scores), 3) names and 
telephone numbers of three references, and 4) unofficial transcripts to: Dan 
Magoulick, dan...@uark.edu<mailto:dan...@uark.edu>, 
http://danmag.wixsite.com/business-services, 479-575-5449.?

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