Highstead <http://www.highstead.net/> seeks an individual who thrives in a
collaborative environment and has experience in land conservation, land use
planning, environmental education or natural resources management to fill
the new position of Conservationist. The Conservationist will support the
landscape conservation activities of the burgeoning Regional Conservation
Partnership (RCP) Network <http://www.wildlandsandwoodlands.org/rcpnetwork>.
The Conservationist will work with the Senior Conservationist, other
Highstead staff, RCP Network members, Wildlands and Woodlands Initiative
partners and other key stakeholders to help advance the pace and practice
of large landscape conservation in New England and eastern New York.


Highstead is a regional non-profit conservation organization located in
Redding, Connecticut. With Harvard Forest and others, Highstead seeks to
advance the Wildlands and Woodlands vision
<http://www.wildlandsandwoodlands.org/vision/vision-new-england> by
partnering with and promoting the efforts of other organizations and


The Conservationist’s primary responsibilities will be in the areas of:

•       Project Management: Support and lead projects that help RCPs and
their members increase the pace and connectivity of land conservation.

•       Coordination: Provide support to and help coordinate a variety of
collaborative conservation groups and initiatives including working groups
of the RCP Network and the Hudson to Housatonic RCP.

•       Conservation Training and Conferences: Develop, organize, and
deliver periodic workshops, webinars and other training for Regional
Conservation Partnerships and their members on collaborative conservation
topics including new planning and conservation finance tools and resources.

•       Represent Highstead: Attend various regional conservation meetings
to foster partnerships that advance the objectives of the RCP Network,
Highstead, Wildlands and Woodlands, and emerging initiatives.

Read the full job description, requirements, and information about
submitting an application here

*Jody Cologgi*
127 Lonetown Road
Redding, CT  06875
(203) 938-8809

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