The Dresden University of Technology announces their 11th annual summer
course in individual/agent-based modeling. The 2017 course will be a
non-beginners course, intended primarily for graduate students and
researchers who have been developing their own model and seek guidance on
finishing, analyzing, and doing science with the model. The instructors--Uta
Berger, Volker Grimm, and Steve Railsback--have many years of experience
using and teaching individual-based modeling. 

The overall goal of the course is to guide researchers through the process
of completing and publishing research based on individual-based models. We
expect participants to have at least a working draft model before the course
starts. Instruction will be via lectures, exercises, and independent work
under close supervision of the instructors. Topics will include software
testing, parameterization, analyzing model sensitivity and robustness,
designing simulation experiments, and publishing model-based research. 

While the instructors are ecologists, participants in any field are welcome.
Instruction will use NetLogo software and the textbook of Railsback and
Grimm (2012; "Agent-based and individual-based modeling: a practical
introduction", Princeton University Press), but modelers using other
software platforms will be able to participate fully.

The course will be 20-28 July 2017, in a small village outside Dresden
(Germany). To provide a high level of instructor interaction, course size is
limited to 25 participants.

The application period is now open, and closes 28 February. For information
The application is at:

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