Last call for applications!

Application deadline February 3, 2017

Stable Isotope Short Courses at the University of Utah, June 12-23, 2017

Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry and Ecology
<>  (aka ³Iso-Camp²), emphasizes
fundamental environmental and biological theory underlying isotope
fractionation processes and a broad spectrum of ecological and
environmental applications

Isotopes in Spatial Ecology and Biogeochemistry
<> (aka ³The SPATIAL Short Course²),
focuses on large datasets, programming, GIS analysis and modeling, and
applying isotopic data to solve problems in diverse systems using these

Both classes will be limited-enrollment, multi-instructor lecture and
laboratory short courses.  The courses are targeted to graduate students
and postdoctoral investigators interested in learning more about the
applications of stable isotopes at natural abundance levels to
environmental, biogeochemical, marine, and ecological studies.

Application forms for both courses can be reached through

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