2017 MLBS Summer Programs

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[Mountain Lake Biological 

Announcing 2017 Summer Programs
Field-based courses are UVA Summer Session classes offered by 
nationally-recruited faculty, and offered at the undergraduate and graduate 
level. Our NSF REU undergraduate research internship program is now in its 25th 

Field Courses

Session I  (May 22 - June 9)

  *   Plant Diversity & Conservation
  *   Field Herpetology
  *   Science Writing (May 22 - June 2)
Session II  (June 12 - July 7)

  *   Field Biology of Fishes
Session III  (July 10 - 28)

  *   Field Biology of Insects
Financial aid is available.
MLBS courses are field-intensive, research-based experiences. Courses earn 3 
UVA Biology credits. Non-college students are welcome to enroll.

Learn More and 

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF-REU)

Become a National Science Foundation REU. Join undergraduates from around the 
country for a unique 10-week learning and living research experience in the 
southern Appalachians. Students conduct independent research in field ecology, 
evolution, behavior, and physiology under the supervision of resident 
scientists. REUs are internships that include all station costs, travel, and a 
$5,250 stipend.

Program dates:  May 22 - July 28
Application deadline:  February 20

Learn More and 





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