Forest Inventory and Analysis Program
Rocky Mountain Research Station
USDA Forest Service
Issue Date: February, 2017
The USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station’s Forest Inventory and Analysis Program,
Ogden, UT, anticipates filling the following positions:
• Up to 12 forestry technicians in support of the field inventory. These positions will be advertised in the Forestry Technician (GS-462) series at the GS 5 and 6 levels. These are temporary positions (not to exceed 1039 hours) and the duration of the work is expected to be about 6 months. The anticipated
start date is April or May 2017.
All of the positions serve as members of the Interior West Forest Inventory and Analysis Program, headquartered in Ogden, Utah, which conducts forest resource inventories and forest health monitoring activities throughout the interior west states including Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Nevada, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming. For more information about the Program, please visit our internet site at
Each position will serve as part of a two person forest resource inventory crew. The forestry technician crew members work under the direction of a local crew leader. The work involves contacting land owners for access; locating study plots using aerial photo baseline and GPS techniques; conducting extensive resource and health inventories including tree measurements and foliage evaluations, understory vegetation composition and structure estimates, site characteristics and soils evaluations, etc; using various
measurement instruments and electronic data recorders.
Fieldwork regularly includes extensive hiking and backpacking in remote and rugged areas, in all weather conditions, and carrying heavy daypacks (~45 lb.) or backpacks (60+ lb.). Depending on location, a variety of other methods are used to access plots including ATV’s, horses, aircraft, and boats; please contact us for
specifics of each location.
The area sampled by the RMRS Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program cover a diversity of ecological communities. Terrain varies from dry ponderosa pine, oak woodland and juniper forests at lower elevations and the southern portion of the 8-state territory; to the high alpine forests of Colorado, Wyoming, and the Rocky Mountains; to the temperate rain forests of northern Idaho and northwestern Montana - and everything in between! Each crew covers a large area, and all staff will experience a wide variety of
The field season typically runs from April through November. In all locations, overnight travel away from the duty station is frequent, and may include periods of extended and continuous travel. The ability to work productively as part of a team, meet the physical demands of this challenging outdoor work, and to quickly learn a complex set of field protocols are all very important in this position! The positions are based at a number of different locations. Hiring needs for the 2017 field season will depend, somewhat, on the staff returning from prior field seasons, and other turnover. The locations, and expectation of need to fill a position there, are indicated in the table below The purpose of this Outreach Notice is to determine the potential applicant pool for these positions. The vacancy announcement for these positions, when open, will be posted at the USA Jobs website, the U.S. Government’s official site for jobs and employment information: If you would enjoy working as part of the Forest Inventory and Analysis Program, we encourage you to express your interest in the position(s) as soon as possible. If you reply to this outreach notice, we will notify you when the positions are announced (anticipated to be about the beginning of March). For additional information, please contact any of the supervisors listed above, or Bob Rhoads at (801) 625-5685 or This outreach is for your information. If you are an education institution please post the Outreach to your Jobs Board.
Thank you for your interest in these positions!
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs). Persons with disabilities who require alternate means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotapes, etc) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination write: USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Ave, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202)720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Duty StationLikelyPossibleSupervisorFS e-mailPhoneEurekaMTxBrian bryantbbry...@fs.fed.us406-270-2729KalispellMTxBrian bryantbbry...@fs.fed.us406-270-2729MissoulaMTxBrian bryantbbry...@fs.fed.us406-270-2729BozemanMTxMike bellmb...@fs.fed.us406-994-5033DillonMTxMike bellmb...@fs.fed.us406-994-5033Coeur d'AleneIDxJuliet wilhelmjwilh...@fs.fed.us801-725-4116GrangevilleIDxJuliet wilhelmjwilh...@fs.fed.us801-725-4116SandpointIDxJuliet wilhelmjwilh...@fs.fed.us801-725-4116ChallisIDxRay safiranrsafi...@fs.fed.us208-354-6628DriggsIDxRay safiranrsafi...@fs.fed.us208-354-6628McCallIDxRay safiranrsafi...@fs.fed.us208-354-6628SalmonIDxRay safiranrsafi...@fs.fed.us208-354-6628GunnisonCOxDana lambertdlamb...@fs.fed.us970-642-4449Carson CityNVxMaryfaith snydermsny...@fs.fed.us801-625-5724ElyNVxMaryfaith snydermsny...@fs.fed.us801-625-5724Cedar CityUTxMaryfaith snydermsny...@fs.fed.us801-625-5724MoabUTxMaryfaith snydermsny...@fs.fed.us801-625-5724OgdenUTxMaryfaith snydermsny...@fs.fed.us801-625-5724RichfieldUTxMaryfaith snydermsny...@fs.fed.us801-625-5724FlagstaffAZxJohn capuanojcapu...@fs.fed.us520-749-7702GallupNMxJohn capuanojcapu...@fs.fed.us520-749-7702Ogden (rover AZ/NM)UTxJohn capuanojcapu...@fs.fed.us520-749-7702Prescott (rover AZ/NM)AZxJim dexterjdex...@fs.fed.us928-848-8661Ogden (rover ID/MT/UT/NV)UTxDave herwigdher...@fs.fed.us801-725-4096
Rocky Mountain Research Station
Forest Inventory and Analysis Program
Please complete this form and return it as soon as possible (we anticipate the vacancy announcement to be out in early March, and maybe another one later in the summer) to any one of the supervisors listed above, or to Bob Rhoads at the address below.
Bob Rhoads
Forest Inventory and Analysis Program
507 25th Street
Ogden, UT 84401
fax: 801-625-5723
Summer-Seasonal (1039 hour) Duty Station(s):
☐ Eureka, MT ☐ Kalispell, MT ☐ Missoula, MT ☐ Bozeman, MT
☐ Dillon, MT ☐ Coeur d’Alene, ID ☐ Grangeville, ID ☐ Sandpoint, ID
☐ Challis, ID ☐ Driggs, ID ☐ McCall, ID ☐ Salmon, ID
☐ Gunnison, CO ☐ Carson City, NV ☐ Ely, NV ☐ Cedar City, UT
☐ Moab, UT ☐ Ogden, UT ☐ Richfield, UT ☐ Flagstaff, AZ
☐ Gallup, NM ☐ Prescott, AZ
Please indicate all duty stations for which you wish to be considered. Not selecting any indicates no preference. I’m interested in this position and will check for the announcement, or I will call or email the contact person.
Name: __________________________________________________ Date: ________________ Address: ________________________________________________ Phone: _______________
________________________________________________ E-Mail: _______________
Are you currently a Federal employee: YES ____ NO ___
If yes,
Current title/series/grade/location: _____________________________________________ Type of appointment you are currently under _____________________________________ (e.g., Temporary, Career, Career-Conditional, Excepted-ANILCA, Excepted VRA, etc)

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