Post-Doctoral Position in the UNB Faculty of Forestry and Environmental 
Management and MDA

The Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, University of New 
Brunswick (UNB), Fredericton (NB) and MDA (Richmond, BC) are looking to a fill 
a post-doctoral position in the area of forest fire mitigation using spaceborne 
SAR imagery. We are looking for a candidate who has a recent Ph.D. in remote 
sensing, forestry, or environmental management.

The successful candidate will be working on a project with the overarching 
objective to investigate the use of SAR data for forest fire mitigation, 
response, and recovery, with a primary focus on forest fire mitigation.  The 
primary source of SAR data will be RADARSAT‑2, but data from the Sentinel SAR 
and optical data will be considered as well.

Job Description

The objective of the mitigation portion is to investigate the use of RADARSAT‑2 
data to estimate the fuel moisture codes, specifically the Drought Code (DC) 
that are used as input to the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI) System. 
The temporal moisture variability of the DC is not well understood, so the 
focus of the mitigation is to estimate the relative change in the DC during the 
fire season based on differences in the radar backscatter.
The mitigation aspect is segmented into three components. The first component 
is to build on previous work to better understand the variability of the DC as 
a function of radar parameters such as polarization and how the radar responds 
to the properties of the organic layer (e.g. depth, soil properties). The 
second component is to simulate selected compact polarimetry (CP) modes and 
compare the CP response to changes in the DC. The third component is to use a 
time series of RADARSAT‑2 data that was acquired before, during, and after the 
Fort McMurray Fire with the aim to compare radar changes and DC changes. It is 
expected that the successful candidate will be able to focus on one or all of 
the mitigation subtasks based on the individual’s interest and expertise. The 
candidate will also participate to the fire extent mapping part of the study.

Candidates should have demonstrated expertise in one or more of the following 

-      Experience with the application of SAR data

-      Knowledge of SAR image analysis

-      Knowledge of radar polarimetry

-      Ability to use image processing and GIS software

-      Ability to use Matlab or equivalent

-      Excellent writing and oral communication skills
The candidate will be funded through a MITACS scholarship that requires 
spending part of the post-doctoral time working at MDA. As such, a security 
clearance issued by the Government of Canada will be required.
Interested applicants should send before March 15th 2017 as a single pdf file a 
CV, a copy of academic transcripts (including TOEFL score if non-English 
speaking applicants), the list of publications, and the names/contact 
information for three references by email. Uncompleted applications will not be 
considered. We thank all the applicants, but only the short-listed candidates 
will be contacted.
For more information or application, please contact

·       Prof. Brigitte Leblon (<> )

·       Gordon Staples 
(<> )

Prof. Dr. Brigitte Leblon

Professor of remote sensing/Professeure en télédétection
Director of TRANSFOR-M/Directrice de TRANSFOR-M
Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management
Vice-President, Canadian Remote Sensing Society/Vice-Présdente, Société 
Canadienne de Télédétection
T 506 453-4924
F 506 453-3538

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