From: Lorna S R Joachim
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 7:28:26 AM
To: Ecological Society of America: grants, jobs, news
Subject: Please post

Please post this add to the listserve.
A typo in our previous message necessitates a repost. The original message had 
the course dates as  June 3 - July 23. This was a typo - the class actually 
runs June 3 - June 23.

Dr. Joachim


Primate Behavior in Costa Rica!

Tree Field Studies

This course is designed to teach undergraduate and graduate students the basic 
skills necessary to study primate behavior in the wild. Throughout this course 
you will learn techniques in ecological and behavioral data collection and 
complete an independent study on one of three primate species native to the 
area (Ateles geoffroyi, the black handed spider monkey; Cebus capucinus, the 
white-faced capuchin; Alouatta palliata, the mantled howler monkey).

This course will take place at El Zota Biological Station, an inland tropical 
wet forest site comprised of primary, secondary and regenerating forest. The 
last few days will be held on the coast (location a function of the weather). 
At or nearby to this location students will get to do some fun activities like: 
see a cloud forest visit a coffee/chocolate plantations, go white water 
rafting, zip-lining, sea-turtle watching, and snorkeling. Space is limited so 
contact us soon!
Due date for the application is March, 15,2017 - though we will give priority 
to folks applying now.

Completion of the Tree Field Studies Application (available on the Tree Field 
Studies website),

Currently registered in or having graduated from a college or university is a 
bonus - but not required.

GPA (for at least the past or current semester) of at least 3.0 for current or 
past coursework. Accommodations can be made for those with lower GPA's. But, 
such accommodations are made on a case-by-case basis. Contact Tree Field 
Studies directly for clarification,

Signed Tree Field Studies Medical Release Form (available on the Tree Field 
Studies website),

Signed Tree Field Studies Liability Form (available on the Tree Field Studies 

1 -2 Reference Letters
$2895 US dollars: this fee includes all in-country costs: room, board, and 

Start + End Dates: June 3 - June 23 (students should arrive in Costa Rica by 
June 2, and leave no earlier than June 24).

Application Deadline: March, 15

Admission preference is given to those registering early. However,we will apply 
serious consideration to applications submitted by  April, 15, 2017. In 
addition, please do not hesitate to contact one of our team members about 
applying - even if your intent to apply is past any of our due dates. We will 
consider any application past our due dates on a case-by-case basis.
Dr. Lorna Joachim
Tree Field Studies
P.o. Box 1252
Corrales, NM, 87048

Our Website:
Dr Joachim E-Mail Address:
Dr. Lorna Joachim

Co-founder and Principle Instructor for
    TREE: Tropical Research in Ecology &
    Ethology, LLC

Adjunct Professor of Research in Psychology
The University of New Mexico

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