Hello ECOLOGers, 

My name is Gabriel and I had a question to pose concerning use of authorship
on a scientific paper. I worked on a long-term study regarding carbon
sequestration and nutrient cycling in Pacific Northwest forests on a
permanent plot network with other faculty and undergraduates at my college.
We had the data and were interpreting it but hadn't published any papers or
sent anyone to any conferences with the results. 

I have since graduated from said college, and I recently learned that a
student took over that previous work we had conducted and is planning on
submitting an abstract the ESA, and wanted to know if I wanted to be
included an an co-author on the formal paper that is being published (of
course I want to be included). My question to all of you  is: in what
capacities am I "allowed" to use this paper or results that come out of the
study? For example, showcasing this abstract or paper on my LinkedIn page,
including it in graduate school applications, that sort or thing. What, in
your opinion, are the limits in which I can use this work? Thank you.

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