The HilleRisLambers community ecology lab at the University of 
Washington is seeking applicants for an NSF Research Experience for 
Undergraduates (REU) in the summer of 2017.  The REU student will work 
with Drs. Janneke HilleRisLambers and Amy Angert (at University of 
British Columbia) to develop and implement an independent project 
focusing on how plant communities vary across large-scale macroclimatic 
and fine-scale microclimatic gradients, relevant to understanding 
impacts of climate change. Field work will occur in Washington at Mt. 
Rainier National Park, North Cascades National Park, and nearby National 
Forests; with lab work occurring at University of Washington (in 

The REU will run 12 weeks from June 5th – August 25th, with some 
flexibility in start and end dates possible. A stipend of $600/week is 
provided for the 12-week period of the internship. Lodging, travel and 
food are provided while conducting field work. 

To apply and get more information about the position, please visit We will start reviewing 
applications on March 20th, and anticipate making hiring decisions by 
early to mid April. To be eligible, you must be a US Citizen or 
permanent resident currently working towards a Bachelor’s degree in a 
related field, graduating no sooner than Fall of 2017. 

For more information about Dr. HilleRisLambers and Dr. Angert research 
groups, visit and

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