PhD Research Assistantship - Auburn University School of Forestry and
Wildlife Sciences

Project: Waterfowl habitat selection and response to hunting pressure, Alabama

We are looking for a student to participate in development and
implementation of a research project to improve understanding of population
dynamics, movement patterns, habitat use, and response to hunting pressure
for wintering waterfowl on public and private lands within the Tennessee
River Valley of northern Alabama. Results will be used to inform decisions
regarding management of waterfowl populations in the region to increase
hunter satisfaction and identify further research priorities.

The student will be co-advised by Drs. William Gulsby and Robert Gitzen, and
will collaborate with state and federal biologists, non-profit waterfowl
conservation groups, and numerous other scientists. Start date is somewhat
negotiable, but we are looking to immediately fill the position.

Salary is $19,180/yr. with tuition waiver and benefits.

Qualifications: MS degree in wildlife management, ecology, or a related
discipline. Students without a MS will only be considered in exceptional
circumstances. Applicants should demonstrate a strong interest in working
with waterfowl and will preferably possess waterfowl research experience.
The candidate should have strong quantitative skills and be familiar with
software packages (e.g., R, ESRI) commonly used in ecological studies. The
applicant should also possess excellent interpersonal and written and oral
communication skills. The student will play a key role in the development
this work, and should therefore demonstrate a passion for the project and a
willingness to take co-ownership of it.

Send cover letter, CV, unofficial transcripts and GRE scores in a single PDF
file to the email address listed below. References will be sought for finalists.

Send applications to Will Gulsby (

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