Please contact my postdoc Chrissy Alba ( with questions about
this position. Note that it is temporary, with funding through September, 2017.

Field surveys of cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) invasions in Florida 

Ecologist Dr. Luke Flory in the Agronomy Department at the University of
Florida has Florida Forest Service funds to conduct a state-wide field
survey of non-native invasive cogongrass. The project is designed to better
understand the environmental factors that shape the distribution and
performance of cogongrass populations throughout Florida. Surprisingly,
little information about the basic ecology of this species exists, although
millions of dollars a year are spent managing it. Due to cogongrass’s high
visibility as a nuisance species, this project is already receiving keen
interest from private and public land managers. 

There is an immediate opportunity for someone to assume the responsibilities
for this project. We ideally want someone who can begin by April 1, 2017
(with the appointment running through September, 2017). The salary is
$42,728/year, currently negotiated at the post-doc level on our state
contract. While we prefer candidates eligible for post-doc appointment, it
is possible to re-negotiate the contract for a post-master’s student (with a
corresponding change in salary). Core responsibilities of the position
include identifying and visiting field sites across Florida to estimate
cogongrass cover, tiller density, and aboveground biomass in relationship to
temperature, precipitation, soil moisture, light availability, and habitat
type. Candidates hired at the post-doc level will also analyze and publish
the survey data. This position is unbeatable for new graduates looking to
build a network of professional contacts who work in county, state and
federal agencies across the state. 

If you are interested in learning more, please contact:
Christina Alba, PhD
McCarty Hall B, Room 3127

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