Centre for Fisheries Ecosystems Research (CFER)
Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. 
John's NL Canada
(5 Year Appointment)

CFER is in an exciting period of expansion and invites applications for 
two Fisheries Stock Assessment Scientist positions. Requirements include a 
Ph.D. in quantitative fisheries science/ecology or a closely related 
discipline (e.g. applied mathematics, statistics, or computer science) 
with related experience in Fisheries Stock Assessment. Applicants should 
have a potential or proven ability to develop an internationally 
recognized research program, excellent communication skills, and a strong 
commitment to supervise graduate students. An ability to work with 
industry, fish harvesters, and government agencies is also important.

The candidate(s) will join a stock assessment research group that is being 
created in conjunction with the newly established Ocean Choice 
International (OCI) Industrial Research Chair in Fish Stock Assessment and 
Sustainable Harvest Advice for Northwest Atlantic Fisheries, and the 
recently approved 93.7 million dollar Ocean Frontier Institute (OFI) 
initiative. These initiatives provide great funding opportunities for 
graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, and research opportunities in 
the region are tremendous.

Additional information and application procures available at: 

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