Hello ESA community -

The Science for Nature and People Partnership (SNAPP
<http://snappartnership.net/>) has released its 2017 RFP. Information can
be found on the SNAPP RFP <http://snappartnership.net/rfp/> and NCEAS
<https://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/content/snapp-call-proposals-2017> dedicated
webpages, as well as in the below text.

Please consider submitting a proposal, and please feel free to pass this
along to colleagues and others in your networks. The deadline for submitted
proposals is *June 7, 2017*.

Thank you and take care,

*Geoff Willard*
Deputy Director, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (
NCEAS.ucsb.edu <http://nceas.ucsb.edu/>)
Deputy Director, Science for Nature and People Partnership (
SNAPPartnership.net <http://snappartnership.net/>)
735 State Street, Ste 300
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
will...@nceas.ucsb.edu <fre...@nceas.ucsb.edu>
805 893-7551 <(805)%20705-6072>

*Science for Nature and People Partnership 2017 RFP*
How can the protection of nature help secure food, energy and water – and
enhance the quality of life – for 10 billion people? The Science for Nature
and People Partnership (SNAPP) takes on this key challenge and believes
that successful solutions cannot be achieved by any single organization
acting alone. Whether you focus on human health or ecological health,
adaptation to climate change or a humanitarian crisis, SNAPP announces its 2017
Request for Proposals
<https://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/content/snapp-call-proposals-2017> to convene
interdisciplinary teams, and invites you to be a part of the solution!

Just as human and natural systems are bolstered by biodiversity, people
tackle complex problems more readily in diverse environments. SNAPP
provides funding to bring together teams of 12-18 people from diverse
organizations that we refer to as working groups. SNAPP working groups meet
intensively in 3-4 in-person collaborative sessions (lasting 3-5 days each)
over the course of 18-24 months. Strong leaders with open minds and
flexible facilitation styles guide the teams to tackle questions at the
heart of sustainable economic development, human well-being, and nature
conservation. Between sessions, team members collaborate remotely to
publish research, develop implementation tools and products, and support
decision-makers’ use of the results.

We fund science that makes things happen. SNAPP working groups include
experts from any academic discipline to synthesize data relevant to their
work, from indigenous knowledge to satellite imagery or anything in
between. They also include key people poised to make changes in the
humanitarian, development and conservation sectors and influence policy at
national and international levels.

Are you interested in natural solutions to climate change? Sanitation and
water security? So are we! While this year’s Request for Proposals remains
open to globally important issues at the interface of conservation,
development and human well-being, proposals centered around these climate
and sanitation themes are especially welcome. More information on proposal
preparation can be found below in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
section. Please take note of a very important point – SNAPP funds the
convening of working groups but does not cover salary of individual working
group members. Proposals will be evaluated by SNAPP’s Science Advisory
Council and Board of Governors <http://snappartnership.net/leadership/>
based on their inclusion of:

   - Direct path to impacting policy or practice and broad applicability of
   - Clear and intriguing science questions
   - Diversity in sectors, disciplines and members
   - Cost-effective use of SNAPP funding and leveraging of other funds

SNAPP’s founding partners include two international nature conservation
organizations and a science synthesis center – The Nature Conservancy, the
Wildlife Conservation Society, and the National Center for Ecological
Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) at the University of California, Santa
Barbara. Including members from The Nature Conservancy and Wildlife
Conservation Society in your proposal is strongly encouraged but not
required. The default location for meetings of working groups is NCEAS in
Santa Barbara, CA.

Apply for funding from now through June 7, 2017, 5pm PT.

*Geoff Willard*
Deputy Director, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (
NCEAS.ucsb.edu <http://nceas.ucsb.edu/>)
Deputy Director, Science for Nature and People Partnership (
SNAPPartnership.net <http://snappartnership.net/>)
735 State Street, Ste 300
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
will...@nceas.ucsb.edu <fre...@nceas.ucsb.edu>
805 893-7551 <(805)%20705-6072>

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