Two Ph.D. positions in forest ecology
Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague
We are seeking two highly motivated Ph.D. researchers to join our team 
within the Forest Dynamics Lab of the Department of Forest Ecology, 
Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic. Our current 
research is focused on how disturbance regimes drive structural 
variability, carbon dynamics, and biodiversity at stand and landscape 
scales in primary mountain forests in central and eastern Europe.
Despite the long history of land use, this region of Europe still has 
extensive remnants of primary mountain forests, particularly in the 
Carpathian and Dinaric mountain ranges. The large sub-continental region 
covered by the current research project includes the two dominant forest 
types in Europe, Norway spruce and mixed broad-leaf forests dominated by 
European beech. The aim of the current project is to quantify how 
disturbances influence forest structure, C dynamics, biodiversity and 
the multiple pathways of stand development that contribute to complex 
structure across these two forest types. Based on a unique set of 
established plots across several forest landscapes, detailed 
reconstructions of past disturbance histories will allow us to quantify 
spatio-temporal structural patterns and C dynamics along forest 
development pathways at stand, local, and landscape levels, as well as 
across environmental and climatic gradients.
The activities, together with our team, will include field work, 
laboratory processing of samples (mainly tree cores), statistically 
analyzing data, compiling results, and preparing peer-reviewed 
publications in international science journals. Two positions are 
available: 1) Forest Ecology Ph.D. - the first position will focus on 
reconstructing disturbance histories using tree ring data and examining 
links with current forest structure, composition, and indicators of 
biodiversity. This position will include field work; 2) Dendroecology 
Ph.D. - the second position will focus more on dendroecological analyses 
of existing tree ring data (current database of 20,000 tree cores from 
1000 forest plots across the study region) to examine links between tree 
growth and abiotic and biotic factors. Although the candidate for the 
second position is not expected to participate in field-work, there will 
be opportunities to visit impressive locations of old-growth forests 
across the region.
We are a young and energetic research team with close collaborations 
with international partners. Opportunities exist for exchange visits and 
meetings. To obtain more information about our team, visit
Applicants should have a MSc (or equivalent) in environmental or related 
sciences (biology, ecology, geography, forest sciences), and good 
English communication and writing skills. Ideal candidates would have 
strong analytical skills, experience with large datasets and R, and some 
past experience working with tree rings, particularly for the second 
position. Both positions include a monthly salary of 800 Euros.
Applications: Please indicate which position you are applying for and 
attach a CV listing your skills and qualifications. Applicants should 
also provide a short statement outlining why they believe themselves to 
be suitable for the above positions, as well as contact information for 
at least one reference. Applications are due by May 15th, 2017, and 
successful candidates would start in October 2017.
Send the application by email to both of the following contacts:
Miroslav Svoboda, Email:
Thomas A. Nagel, Email:
Postal address: Czech University of Life Science, Faculty of Forestry 
and Wood Science, Kamycka 129, Praha 6 Suchdol, 16521, Czech Republic

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