BES Symposium 2017- The Macroecology of Alien Species: Patterns, Drivers and
Consequences of Global Biotic Exchange. 24-26 July, Durham UK.

The British Ecological Society will be holding a timely, 2-day symposium in
the historic and beautiful city of Durham that will bring together invasion
ecologists and macroecologists, working on many different taxonomic groups,
to build a global synthesis of alien species distribution and richness. The
symposium will explore the major patterns and drivers behind the mixing of
the world’s biotas, and the consequences for conservation of biodiversity.

A broad range of engaging, internationally renowned invited speakers will
present the current state of our knowledge of alien species macroecology,
and attendees will be able to submit an abstract to present their own work
in this field as an oral or poster presentation. A social dinner at the end
of the first day will take place in the Great Hall of Durham Castle.
Breakout workshops on the second day will provide the opportunity to
synthesise, and to address important questions that will provide ways
forward to understanding the macroecology of alien species.

Registration is now open! Please see-

We look forward to welcoming you to Durham!

Wayne Dawson, Franz Essl, Mark van Kleunen, Noëlie Maurel, Anke Stein and
Marten Winter (The Organizing Committee)

This conference is part-sponsored by the German Ecological Society, the BES
Journals, Durham University and the BES Aquatic Ecology, Quantitative
Ecology and Macroecology Special Interest Groups.

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