Hi everyone,

I have a graduate student who is trying to study how the abundance of
several antibiotic resistance genes changes with urbanization along a river
flow path. Unfortunately, her progress has been stymied for several months
due to a problem getting orders filled through ATCC. It's a huge fiasco,
and the upshot is that she cannot get access to the standards she needs for
some of her qPCR assays.

I am writing in search of a few generous and sympathetic colleagues who
happen to have some resistance genes cloned in plasmid/culture they would
be willing to share (must be BSL1). Her preferred target genes are listed
below, but this is very flexible depending on what is available.

mcr1, ermB, strA, qnrA, sul1, sul2, tetB

We can cover shipping costs and possibly arrange for modest compensation.
More importantly, you would earn a huge shout-out in the "Acknowledgments"
section of her M.S. thesis and the eternal gratitude of a struggling young
scientist whose graduation keeps getting delayed by order processing and
shipping problems far beyond her control.

We would also appreciate suggestions of alternative vendors, though we have
contacted the major ones to no avail (DSMZ, Addgene, BEI, and JCM).

Please direct questions and responses to me directly to me at
rbfrank...@vcu.edu or rima.frank...@gmail.com


Rima Franklin
Associate Professor
Interim Associate Chair
VCU Department of Biology
804-828-6753 (office) / 804-828-0125 (lab)

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