Dear Colleagues,

The University of Washington Biology Education Research Group is hiring two
post-docs to work on how students learn concepts across the undergraduate
curriculum. Details and qualifications can be found in the ad below.
Please share this widely.

Thank you,
Jennifer Doherty
Mary Pat Wenderoth

*Postdoctoral Position: Biology Education Research at the University of

The UW Biology Education Research Group (BERG) seeks candidates to
fill two full-time
postdoctoral positions to work on the NSF-funded *Learning Progression on
the Development of Principle-based Reasoning in Undergraduate Physiology
(LeaP UP**) *project. This project will develop a learning progression
documenting how undergraduates come to master principle-based reasoning in
Physiology across the undergraduate curriculum. We will create
machine-gradable, constructed response assessments that will be used to
describe current trends in student understanding as they move through the
undergraduate curricula at R1s and community colleges. The project is a
collaboration between UW BERG and the Automated Analysis of Constructed
Response (AACR) Research Group ( at Michigan State
University. The positions will be under the supervision of Drs. Jennifer
Doherty and Mary Pat Wenderoth in the UW Biology Department.

The postdocs will have opportunities to collaborate with a diverse network
of faculty, postdocs, and graduate students—locally through UW BERG and
nationally through AACR and participation in the Society for the
Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) and the National
Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST).

Candidates must have:
·        a Ph.D. in biology, biology education, learning sciences, physics
education or a closely related field completed in the last three years
·        success in publishing and presenting research findings
·        demonstrated interest in discipline-based education research
·        excellent organizational, interpersonal, and communication skills

Preference will be given to candidates who have, or are willing to acquire,
expertise in the following:
·        physiology (plant or animal), ecophysiology or neurobiology
·        qualitative educational or psychological research
·        instrument development and validation
·        project management
·        web-based data collection and database management
·        statistical data analysis

The postdoctoral fellow responsibilities include:
·        conducting and analyzing student interviews
·        developing and refining the learning progression framework
·        contributing to the development of assessments
·        managing data collection, database production and project logistics
·        directing the development of scoring rubrics and coding processes
·        mentoring undergraduate research assistants
·        being lead author on research publications and meeting

The positions are full-time, 12 month appointments, with salaries of
$47,484, including benefits (Research Associate, UW Job Code 0148). The
positions are intended to be two or three-year positions, contingent upon
satisfactory performance, available funding and university policies.

To apply, send (1) a cover letter, (2) a one-page summary of the your
education research interests, and (3) a curriculum vitae to
in one PDF file named *“LeaP UP Postdoc LastName FirstName.pdf”*. Please be
ready to provide telephone numbers of three references and a sample
publication if requested. Review of applications will begin *May 1, 2017*;
applications will be reviewed until the position is filled. The ideal
starting date is *June 1, 2017*, but is negotiable.

University of Washington is an affirmative action and equal opportunity
employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for
employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual
orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, age,
protected veteran or disabled status, or genetic information. All
University of Washington faculty engage in teaching, research and service.

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