Dear Colleagues and Interested Students,

I’m pleased to announce the launch of SUSiE's ‘re-designed’ website 
( <>) AND new 
expeditions programs starting this summer 2017 to include High School students 
and Citizen Scientists, along with our normal college programs.

We’ve currently scheduled 10-19 day student expeditions to explore and conduct 
research on coral reefs of the Exuma archipelago. 

Briefly, our Research Objectives this year include the following: 

• Microplastics Pollution Research - Students will participate in on-going 
microplastics research to study their potential effects on corals. At the 2016 
ASLO Ocean Sciences meeting, SUSiE presented the first ever study demonstrating 
the negative effect of microbeads on coral calcification. 2017 student 
participants will collect environmental microplastics prevalence data that will 
contribute to the publication of this research.    

• Coral Reef Photomosaic Monitoring Project - Last year, in collaboration with 
researchers from the University of Miami RSMAS, SUSiE launched its Coral Reefs 
Photomosaic Monitoring Project (CRPMP). The CRPMP uses cutting-edge technology 
to generate high resolution, spatially accurate consensus images, called 
photomosaics, from simple GoPro video footage. Participants will collect 
photomosaic data at several permanent research stations SUSiE has installed in 
the Exuma archipelago, and install, map and mosaic new stations to expand this 
ongoing, long-term monitoring effort. 

• Coral Cores for Sewage Pollution Forensics - In collaboration with University 
of Alabama, Birmingham and the Elizabeth Harbour Conservation Partnership, 
SUSiE has set out to pinpoint the currently unknown (and disputed) source of 
sewage pollution in Elizabeth Harbour, Bahamas. In 2016, SUSiE Expedition’s 
student researchers collected cores from living corals within the harbour. 
Using stable isotope analyses on the seasonal bands in the coral skeleton, we 
will try and reconstruct the historical signal of sewage pollution over the 
last 30 years. This summer, Student participants will help collect additional 
cores, establish and map underwater survey stations, and collect data and 
imagery necessary for publication of this research. Ultimately, these data will 
provide critical information needed to guide future resource usage and 
managements plans of Elizabeth Harbour.

We’ll be posting a more formal announcement in a few days, but wanted to get 
the site launched and collect any constructive criticism, comments, etc. from 
some of our lists before widespread promotion. Likewise, please email me 
directly with questions or comments on the new site and/or programs. 

Kindly share with students or anyone you think might be interested in these 
unique research-sailing-expedition programs!  



Robin T Smith PhD
Founder & CEO
Science under Sail Institute for Exploration <>

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