​Because of the last minute cancellation, we have an opening in our
organized oral session on biodiversity and ecosystem services in the 2017
Ecological Society of America (ESA) Annual Meeting to be held on 6 – 11
August, 2017 in Portland, OR (http://www.esa.org/portland/). Thus, we are
soliciting talks that are relevant to this session. Please find the session
details in the following:

If you are interested in presenting your research as part of our
session, please send a title and abstract to: Jiangxiao Qiu (q...@ufl.edu)
by *4 PM EST, Wednesday, May 10, 2017*. Preferences will be given to talks
that align well with the description of the session. Thanks!

Title: *Understanding the Relationships between Biodiversity and Ecosystem
Services at the Scale of Real-World Landscapes*

Slot: 1:30 PM – 5:00 PM, Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Session Description:

Human actions are causing rapid biodiversity declines worldwide. Recent
global assessments reveal that over 75% of species have been lost in the
most severely human-impacted ecosystems, and current rates of species
extinction are ~ 100 to 1000 times faster than background rates observed in
the fossil record. There is now a general consensus that biodiversity loss
is altering fundamental processes that underlie the production of ecosystem
goods and services essential for human wellbeing (e.g., food, timber, clean
air and water). However, most of this consensus has been built from
experiments performed at relatively small spatial scales over short
time-frames – scales that suffer from a lack of realism and match poorly
with the scales at which human actions, conservation policy and management
decisions take place. Ecological theory and recent empirical studies
suggest that the relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem services
might differ fundamentally in large-scale, real-world landscapes from those
revealed in small-scale, controlled experiments. At present, such knowledge
is scattered across studies from a range of different systems and ecosystem
services. In response to these research needs, we propose an Organized Oral
Session to advance our mechanistic understanding of how biodiversity
changes in real-world landscapes may alter the provision of ecosystem
services that directly affect human wellbeing. Specifically, this session
will bring together knowledge from different systems (e.g., agricultural,
urban, forest, marine, etc.) using a diversity of approaches including
field studies, modelling, and data synthesis. We aim to (1) synthesize
commonalities while addressing variations in biodiversity effects on
ecosystem services across different systems; (2) identify general patterns
of biodiversity effects on different types of ecosystem services (i.e.,
provisioning, regulating and cultural services); (3) compare and infer how
the effects of biodiversity might scale up from small experiments to
real-world landscapes with greater spatial and temporal heterogeneity; and
(4) shed light on the role of abiotic and human factors (e.g., landscape
management, temperature, nutrients) in mediating mechanistic linkages
between biodiversity and ecosystem services. Insights from this session
will help identify research priorities that will inform conservation
strategies, management and policy initiatives to sustain biodiversity and
ecosystem goods and services at landscape scales in the Anthropocene.

Thank you!

Session Organizers
Jiangxiao Qiu, Matthew Mitchell​

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