Title: Postdoc/Project Scientist: Quantitative Ecology (University of 
California, Santa Cruz)

The Institute of Marine Sciences at the University of California, Santa 
Cruz (UCSC) invites applications for the position of Project Scientist to 
conduct original research on the response of anadromous salmonid 
populations to climate change, under the direction of Dr. Benjamin Martin 
at the National Marine Fisheries Service.
Predicting how species will respond to climate change is a central 
challenge in ecology. For highly migratory species, such as Pacific salmon 
and other anadromous fishes, such predictions are especially challenging, 
as individuals of these species move through a sequence of dynamic 
environments over the course of their life cycle. A common way to deal with 
such complexity has been to reduce it, for example by evaluating the effect 
of riverine conditions (e.g. temperature and flow) at specific points in 
time and space on particular populations or life-stages. This project will 
take a different approach by considering the entirety of the abiotic 
landscape in space and time over which anadromous salmonid populations must 
complete their lifecycles. The overarching question motivating this work 
is, what are the abiotic conditions required in space and time for various 
anadromous salmonid life histories to persist? Furthermore, how have 
changes in spatial-temporal signature of abiotic conditions due to 
anthropogenic and climatic influences affected the status anadromous 
salmonid populations?

To address these questions the Project Scientist, in collaboration with 
scientists at UCSC and the National Marine Fisheries Service will construct 
spatial-temporal maps of abiotic conditions in streams throughout North 
America’s western coast. The Project Scientist will use these maps as the 
basis for phenomenological (e.g. image analysis/machine learning) and/or 
process-based (e.g. dynamic programming) models to identify the conditions 
required in space and time for salmonid populations to complete their life 
cycles. Duties include compiling and analyzing data, developing statistical 
and/or process based models, and disseminating results in the form of 
refereed journal publications and/or meeting presentations and seminars. 
Preferred qualifications include experience in data compilation and 
management of large datasets; performing meta-analysis/macroecological 
analysis or quantitative synthetic analyses; familiarity with geographic 
information systems and stream temperature modeling; and a strong 
quantitative background with a demonstrated ability to learn and apply new 
computational, statistical, and mathematical skills as needed.

RANK: Assistant-Associate Project Scientist
SALARY: $55,000 minimum starting salary, commensurate with qualifications 
and experience
§  Ph.D. or foreign equivalent in Quantitative Ecology, Fisheries, 
Macroecology, Ecophysiology or a related field
§  Documented experience writing scientific manuscripts
§  Documented experience programming in R, Python or MATLAB
POSITION AVAILABLE: As soon as possible
TERM OF APPOINTMENT: The appointment is for two years, with funding 
expiring July 2019. Should the hiring unit propose reappointment; a review 
to assess performance will be conducted. Reappointment is also contingent 
upon availability of funding.

TO APPLY: Applications are accepted via the UCSC Academic Recruit online 
system, and must include the following items: 1) letter of application that 
addresses how you meet the qualifications;  2) Curriculum Vitae; 3) a 
summary of your research; 4) one to two representative scientific 
manuscripts (drafts of manuscripts in review are also acceptable); and 5) 
the names and email addresses for three references (confidential letters of 
recommendation* will be sought for applicants who are under serious 
consideration). Documents/materials must be submitted as PDF files.

APPLY AT https://recruit.ucsc.edu/apply/JPF00446
Refer to Position #JPF00446-17T in all correspondence.
*All letters will be treated as confidential per University of California 
policy and California state law. For any reference letter provided via a 
third party (i.e., dossier service, career center), direct the author to 
UCSC’s confidentiality statement at http://apo.ucsc.edu/confstm.htm.
CLOSING DATE: Review of applications will begin on May 17, 2017. To ensure 
full consideration, applications should be complete and letters of 
recommendation received by this date. The position will remain open until 
filled, but not later than 6/30/2018.

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