We are seeking a highly qualified candidate interested in pursuing an PhD in 
socio- economics in the Great Lakes basin, to complement our work on 
and climate change, and their associated impacts on fisheries. Based at 
University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and in conjunction with the Great Lakes 
Institute for 
Environmental Research at the University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, this is 
exciting opportunity to be at the forefront of understanding one of Canada's 
economically-important (estimated value > $7 billion/year), but 
fisheries, and to develop highly sought-after interdisciplinary and 
quantitative research 

Fisheries within the Great Lakes represent a variety of interests, including 
recreational, and subsistence sectors, and yet little to no attention has been 
paid to 
them as important social-ecological systems. That is, our understanding of who 
fishing and why, what the value of these fisheries are, or where catches are 
consumed is limited. Recreational fisheries are thought to be particularly 
important for 
disadvantaged people who rely on these fisheries to supplement their diet. This 
lack of 
information coincides with dramatic, environmentally-driven change in the 
of Great Lakes food-webs, suggesting a high potential for mismanagement of 
associated fisheries in the future. This project will attempt to describe and 
quantify the 
socio-economic influencers on Great Lakes fisheries, as well the resulting 
economic impacts from these fisheries.

The ideal candidate will have an undergraduate background in Biology, 
Governance, Science, Policy or a related discipline, preferably with experience 
in, or 
knowledge of, quantitative and qualitative social research methods. Candidates 
also have (i) the ability to work in an interdisciplinary environment, (ii) 
strong written 
and oral communication skills and (iii) experience conducting fieldwork. Most 
they will have a demonstrated ability to work as a constructive and positive 
member of 
a team. Competitive stipend, opportunities to TA, and funding for national and 
international conference travel will be provided.

Contact information: For more information or to express your interest please 
Professors Aaron MacNeil (a.macn...@dal.ca), Megan Bailey 
(megan.bai...@dal.ca), or 
Aaron Fisk (af...@uwindsor.ca).

Applications will be reviewed until suitable candidates are found.

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