PhD Assistantship available in the area of land-climate interactions at 
Auburn University

Where: Natural Resource Management Program at the School of Forestry and 
Wildlife Sciences, Auburn University, Auburn AL USA

Job Category: Graduate Assistantship

Salary: $19,180 stipend per year + full tuition waiver 

Start Date: preferably Fall 2017

When to apply: Review of application will begin immediately and will 
continue until a suitable candidate is found.

Where to apply: Please email a single PDF that include letter of 
interest, CV, transcripts, GRE score (unofficial copy is fine) and name 
and contact information of 3 references to Dr. Sanjiv Kumar at

Contact:  Dr. Sanjiv Kumar, Assistant Professor, School of Forestry and 
Wildlife Sciences, Auburn University                

Job descriptions: We are looking for a highly motivated and extremely 
hard-working Ph.D. Student for a project studying the role of land 
processes in inter-annual to decadal climate predictability. The project 
involves studying land-atmosphere interactions using climate models, 
remote sensing data and in-suite measurements, and reanalysis data. The 
student will also get training in running climate models using 
supercomputer and conducting sensitivity experiments by modifying land 
surface model parametrizations and performing land use change 
experiments. The project will also include developing process oriented 
metrics to evaluate land-atmosphere interactions in CMIP6 (Coupled Model 
Intercomparsion Project Phase 6) climate models. The selected candidate 
will have some flexibility in devolving own research focus for his/her 
dissertation within the larger framework of the project.
Qualification:    Candidate must have a B.S. & M.S. degree in natural 
resources related fields, e.g. forestry, natural resources, civil 
engineering, agricultural engineering, biosystem engineering, hydrology, 
atmospheric sciences, and others.  A strong quantitative skill as 
demonstrated in undergraduate and graduate transcripts and GRE score is 
needed. Having prior computer programming skill and working in 
UNIX/LINUX based environment are advantageous. The candidate should also 
possess or have demonstrated potential for an excellent written and 
verbal communication skill. The PhD student will be required to present 
his/her findings at scientific conferences, and prepare manuscript for 
peer-reviewed journal publication. A deserving candidate with a B.S. 
degree will also be considered for a combined master and PhD program.

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