Hi Ecologgers. Two opinion pieces caught my attention in the recent volume of 
TREE (v32). Both discuss strategies for ecologists to reach outside our bubbles 
and reach broader audiences regarding the need for society to recognize and 
resolve environmental and ecological problems. Pyke (2017) employs religion as 
a metaphor and suggests we need to "preach beyond the converted". Begon (2017) 
advocates for constructing messages that emphasize emotional appeal rather than 
always relying on rational argument. Both present strategies aimed at breaking 
out of our bubbles, i.e., reaching people outside of those traditionally 
receptive to and familiar with ecological ideas and paradigms.
I think such efforts are sorely needed. However, I feel that both writers are 
missing a fundamental element in all this, the need for establishing 
relationships that span across our bubbles. Relationships are fundamental to 
our emotional reactions to new ideas. We are much more likely to be receptive 
to ideas that reinforce our social networks and groups that we identify with. 
The breakdown in our politics and our inability to have rational discourse with 
large portions of the general public I think is rooted in our lack of 
relationships across tribes and a consequent lack of trust needed for 
constructive conversation and dialogue. I feel that the most effective 
strategies will be those aimed at generating opportunity and space for members 
of the scientific and ecological communities to have respectful conservation 
with those groups that have developed skepticism towards our communities. Such 
conversation should strive for mutual understanding rather than simply getting 
our message out. Having achieved mutual understanding, we will be in a better 
position to develop societal efforts that address ecological challenges in a 
way that acknowledges concerns held by a broader range of groups.
I wonder how many others out there see the fundamental need for building 
relationships and having conversations outside our bubbles, and if anyone is or 
would be interested in working on an opinion piece to this effect (either in 
response to those published or one that stands on its own). In my current 
professional position, I do not feel I can devote sufficient time or energy to 
produce such a piece on my own, but would be interested in collaborating if 
others are interested.

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